Washington D.C is restricting the Chinese
nationals from attending the popular summer hacking conference in Las Vegas this
year; this all come after the US accused Chinese hackers to hack the US govt.
networks said a senior administrations official on Saturday. He also put some
lights on the Washington could use the Visa restriction to keep them from
attending the conference. Since people know that the summit is the only event
where companies shows their technology innovation and other stuff another seminar
called TEC Conference 2014, in which several tech leader will join the stage
including Microsoft, Qualcomm, Nemesysco’s Amir Liberman and several other
executives from the different nations. The Def Con is also a big event
featuring the hackers from across the world and those are the black Hat hackers
and US already accused the five Chinese hackers to hacking in the US military officers.

Reuters says “Organizers of the two
conferences said they knew nothing about any efforts under consideration by
Washington, but that they believed limiting participation from China was a bad
idea. Jeff Moss, founder of both Def Con and Black Hat, could not be reached,
although he posted his thoughts on Twitter: "First I have heard of it,
boarding flight to D.C. now. I don't think it helps build positive
On the basis of US Accusations on China, United nation will not allow tham in the conference.At the event the employee of Chinese security software Maker Company Qihoo 360 will be delivering the keynote and will speak about the software vulnerabilities, while two scientists from Chinese Universities of Hong Kong are on talks with the hacking social media that Def con does not allowing any Chinese nationals to give any keynote or something.