Thursday, July 31, 2014

Built in Performances and Specification of the Multi-engine Voice Platforms

Skylex presents the multiple engine vocal platforms that are used in case of approximately every kind of call done or received within the whole contact center premise. This system include several engines to carry out analysis of a person’s voice, highlighting of different keywords, there are different engines to supervise quality in an efficient way that analyzes the honesty in the opinion of client and many more functions.

Voice Analysis Engines

The engines that are incorporated in this software solutions provided by the Skylex, detects emotions of clients and customers and also the call center operators. Skylex voice solutions have included suitable Keyword Spotting Engines in blend with the narrator verification engines and also the speech recognition systems to verify lie detection and the characteristics of customers and to discover their declared words.

Working of Engines

Engines integrated in the voice analysis systems can carry out different kinds of functions to distinguish between the changing emotional levels there in the spoken words of call center units or clients.

Quality Management Engines

This is the most effective and commonly used engine in the call centers. The Quality Management Engines set up in various call center companies, telecommunication organizations play important role to investigate the inclusive dialog structure, information of holds duration during the communication procedure, hold duration or pause timings during the made or received calls and also the authentic records of call transfers. Additionally, these engines have built-in suitable KPI Scorecard that allows choice of patterns for training and online education facilities.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Israel Environmental Ministry to Launch E-waste Handling Awareness

Israel is developing countries with the several innovative people are working to take the country to next level. The advancement in the technology field start making new problem called E-waste, which is too dangerous for world and in Israel there are several e-waste management companies working to eliminate the problem. Also the Israeli Govt. trying to handle the situation by proposing new policies and plans that are helpful in a way to recycle the goods, but recycling is not the only way; the Govt. must to spread the awareness into the people to reduce the use of the devices.

So in order to spread the awareness into people Ministry of Environment will be starting a campaign into Israel in next couple of weeks according to Minister. This campaign will be telling the public about how they can dispose their electronics without polluting the environment. And also what is the effect of the e-waste on living organism. Throwing them into landfills will be lead the humans to several type of health problems because the electronic components such as lead cadmium, beryllium mercury and others which is dangerous.

A spoke person of Environment Ministry said that people will be seeing the campaign live into next couple of weeks and it will be promoting better management and disposal of the products after end of life. As of now there is over 94 percent of total population have the Smartphone in Jordan and about two fifth of people own PC and Laptop.

The ministry has already started distributing bins in different regions for people to discard their unwanted gadgets, the official told The Jordan Times on Thursday. In addition to the collection bins, the campaign also entails the distribution of stickers and brochures to the public to guide them on ways to handle electronic waste.”

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Russian Hackers Threatened Many Power Companies

The whole world has been threatened but currently the Power industry is more threatened by the hacker then world because the Power agencies have threatened by the Russian Hackers. There are many power companies in the United States and in Europe may be about to face power gone because a Russian Hacker group called “Energetic Bear” have attacked on these companies. This group has also known as Dragonfly is capable enough to disrupt any corporation because they have proper resources and size, suggested by the security company Symantec Corp.

They had posted that group is aiming to disrupt the main line of grid operators, petroleum operators, electricity generators and other important firms responsible for lighting up half of the world. The group is very active on web and becoming one of the largest attackers in the world. They are angry on govt. to use them for political strategies and there are many countries have been targeted including Spain, Serbia, Greece, Romania, Poland Turkey, Germany Italy and France.

“The group has a “nexus to the Russian Federation,” according to report published in January by Irvine, California-based CrowdStrike, which focuses on identifying web “adversaries.” The hackers also targeted academics globally, European governments, defense contractors and U.S. health-care providers, it said. Helsinki-based security firm F-Secure Oyj noticed the group’s focus shifting to industrial control systems earlier this year.” Lately Been Published on Site

There are Privacy Advocate trying to research on the matter for better knowledge, but it is still blur that the Govt. is involved or group is trying to sell to a government. In the most time the Hacker group is help full to common people as they have threaded the Brazilian Govt and FIFA to stop the huge money spending in the event on the other hand the people are starving.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Privacy Advocates “American Intelligence Spying On own People is Hurts”

Companies thinks that their Data bases is very strong and they can’t get hacked but thing is NSA and FBI has some of the advanced technology that can be able to sneak around and spy on the servers looking for several information. Privacy advocates put allegation of Spying on NSA and also says that it conducting some surveillance program which is not good for the American Internet and consumers too. Bruce Schneier, cyber security experts said that NSA weakening the services that people use in daily life so that they can intercept the communication and also he put some light on a particular matter published on Reuters that NSA have giving about $10 Million to RSA to put some bugs into the technology so they can easily intercept the communication but RSA had said that they didn’t got any payment from NSA. He added that it is very poisonous to our Internet ecosystem the people have trust on.

“If the Chinese government had proposed to put in a backdoor into our computers and then paid a company $10 million to make that the standard we would be furious,” said Joe Hall, chief technologist at the Center for Democracy and Technology. “That’s exactly what the NSA has become: the best hacker in the entire world. While we cannot comment on specific, alleged intelligence-gathering activities.” Published on a site.

RSA is very prestigious security company and have invested many encryption techniques to tighten the security; recently RSA had revealed a Hack in Brazil, in which many people have faced a huge fraud case. Also the NSA is already got enough evidence about their surveillance programs, which lately have been revealed by the Edward Snowden. These incident have shaken the complete Internet and all companies, also makes them more aware about the NSA’s Security programs.

Friday, July 4, 2014

RSA Security Reports A Biggest Fraud In the History Revealed in Brazil

Recently, a Massie Cybercrime report from RSA Security had revealed that Internet Fraud malware had stole about $4 billion from a widely accepted payment system.  The RSA Security has did a research on the Fraud and posted a full report which stated that the “malware-based fraud ring” which had penetrated the online system called boleto, which misleading the payments to the bank accounts of the member of the ring. The boleto is widely used in Payment system, telephones, mortgage and credit card system. 

The report also says that the malware have altered about 500,000 transactions worth $4 billion dollars for about 2 year of the period. But still the researchers have unable to find out how many of those boleto’s were paid by actual owner of that transaction or they directly went to swindler. There were about 34 banks involved whose transaction were altered but did not mention any bank name. The federation of Brazilian bank that control everything in the country said the back have lost about $700 million in electronic transaction.

“This "Bolware" malware simply substitutes a different destination bank account on the form when it is being submitted online. The sender won't notice the change in a long string of numbers, and the intended recipient simply won't ever receive the money. Instead, it goes to the scammer's account — and the amount in such accounts, by RSA's estimates, exceeds $3 billion.”  As Published on a site

RSA said they have submitted report to the Brazil police and Federal Bureau of Investigation and to the federation. As Ask from the police they said they will examine the report and later will comment on it. This attack on the payment system is shackle the Economy or the country and also have very concerned about the security of the banks.