Report Says: UK Spy Agency Collected Webcam Images From Yahoo Users With The Help Of NSA
In another dramatic exposure about the digital Intelligence
from NSA and US Security agency, Reports says that British surveillance agency
GCHQ had started a program in 2008 and 2012, which collected photos from Yahoo
Chat messenger user’s webcams. The Project was intended to collect a huge
amount of Webcam photos, including Sex Content from more than 1.8 million Yahoo
users in period of 6 month across the world. The project was called “Optic
Nerve” project was detailed into the GCHQ documents which is exposed by NSA
contractor Edward Snowden. Reports also claimed that the NSA got profit from
the project, and research helped them to identify the activity of Users on
Yahoo Messenger. Users didn’t even know that they were targeted by US
Government, targeted not for any particular reason.
Guardianpublished a full report “Programs like Optic Nerve, which collect information
in bulk from largely anonymous user IDs, are unable to filter out information
from UK or US citizens. Unlike the NSA, GCHQ is not required by
UK law to "minimize", or remove, domestic citizens' information from
its databases. However, additional legal authorizations are required before
analysts can search for the data of individuals likely to be in the British
Isles at the time of the search. There are no such legal safeguards for
searches on people believed to be in the US or the other allied "Five Eyes"
nations – Australia, New Zealand and Canada. GCHQ insists all of its
activities are necessary, proportionate, and in accordance with UK law.”
As for Yahoo,
they powerfully denies any previous information about the existence of the
program, Reports are coming out every day but no one taking any precautions to
violation of its customers privacy. Yahoo and some other tech companies have
asked for more transparency from government surveillance about what data they
don’t want on the servers.
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